Monday, August 6, 2012


   So when we scout for deer we normally don't go to over board. I know of people who spend all most the entire summer looking for that one buck. We go and take a drive with some good "glasses" maybe sit a while and hope something comes out. Its kinda hard with three boys getting antsy and wanting to get out and play. So when making the best with what we can we talk to other hunters who know the area, if its a new place we haven't been. Always get a good idea before you go. Look at the type of road you will be on. You don't want to be on one that will turn to yuck in snow or mud and have no way to get out. Look at the terrain to make sure it wont be to much for you to handle. And always watch for critter signs. There is always something bigger then you looking for a meal to. Happy Hunting! Deer and elk hunts are coming up soon!