I know most of have been taught about guns. I remember growing up and finding out where my dad had his. They where under the bed on his side. No we didn't touch them but I knew they where there. Things get a lil crazy now and then and people forget their "gun manners" I was one of them. After the deer hunt I thought I unloaded my 7mm. A year later I went to clean it and get it ready for the next hunt to only find, to my surprise, that I still had three bullets in the gun. I was so mad that I did such a stupid thing with three boys in my home. I've always thought of myself as a responsible gun owner until that day. Now I re check and triple check before I even put the gun in its case.
I have to remind myself that it is a tool and all tools need to be taken care of. Please always make sure that it is put up, ammo locked up, and out of site to keep lil ones fingers away. Happy Hunting ladies! Keep those family's of yours safe!